Contact lenses

Can you reuse daily contact lenses?

All about daily contact lenses

Never, please do not use your daily disposable contact lenses; this action will increase the risk of infection. Daily disposable contacts are not extended wear and are built for only one-time use.

After using your daily contact lenses, please discard them. Keep up with us to find out more information.

Use your Daily Disposable Contact Lenses only one time

Daily contact lenses: An introduction

There are two types of daily contact lenses, and we help you get to know them here and understand the difference.

  • Reusable daily contact lenses

Like how they sound, reusable daily contact lenses can be worn more than once. But it would be best if you were very attentive in caring for them. You have to take them out at the end of the day, clean them, and store them in a clean solution and case. The period you can wear them depends on the contacts; some may be good for wearing for a month, and others may just be fit to wear for a week.

  • Disposable daily contact lenses

Daily disposable lenses are meant for everyday wear; you should dispose of them at the end of every day. This eliminates the need for cleaning and storage and makes your job as a wearer relatively easy.

Disposable daily contact lenses

Can you reuse daily contact lenses?

Reusing disposable daily contacts is impossible because these contacts are designed explicitly for single-day use. Suppose you try to use them more than once. In that case, it can lead to multiple risks, including an increased potential for eye infections, discomfort, and poor vision quality because of the accumulation of debris and protein deposits on the lens surface.

On the other hand, reusable daily contacts are designed for a specific number of wears, for example, two weeks or one month before being replaced with a new pair.

It is essential to follow the recommended wearing schedule provided by your eye care professional, as these lenses are not made to be worn longer than the manufacturer intended.


What happens if you wear your contacts for long periods?
What happens if you wear your contacts for long periods?

What happens if you wear your contacts for long periods?

Wearing contact lenses for long periods, significantly longer than the recommended duration, can affect your eye health and comfort. If you wear your contacts for a long time, the contacts will prevent oxygen from getting to your cornea, leading to a condition known as corneal hypoxia. This may cause symptoms like blurred vision, eye redness, discomfort, and an increased risk of corneal infections. Additionally, wearing contacts for long periods can accumulate protein deposits, debris, and microorganisms on the lens surface, increasing the risk of eye irritation, inflammation, and infections like bacterial or fungal keratitis. Also, continuously wearing your contact lenses without cleaning them properly can contribute to dryness and discomfort, leading to contact lens-induced dry eye.

How to properly wear and care for reusable daily contact lenses 
How to properly wear and care for reusable daily contact lenses

How to properly wear and care for reusable daily contact lenses

Caring for reusable daily contact lenses is very important and helps you maintain your performance and eye health.

  1. Thoroughly wash your hands and dry them before handling the contact lenses.
  2. After removing the contact lenses, cleanse the lenses with a multi-purpose solution and gently rub them between your fingers to remove debris and protein buildup.
  3. Then, store them in a clean case filled with fresh solution.

Remember to change the contact lens case regularly, at least every three months, and always use fresh solutions each time you store your lenses.

Make sure you stick to the schedule your eye doctor recommended and go in for Regular check-ups. Following their guidance on lens care is vital for ensuring the longevity and safety of your reusable daily contact lenses.

Here You can read the contact lens care routine provided by the American Academy of Ophthalmology

Most frequently asked questions.

Now that you have enough information about how daily contacts work and how to care for and adequately wear them, we have compiled a short yet effective FAQ to answer your questions.

Q: Can you reuse daily contact lenses?

A: disposable daily contact lenses are meant for single use only. If you reuse them, you are putting your eyes at risk of potential eye infections, corneal abrasions, and discomfort. Disposable Daily lenses, similar to what we call them, are designed to be disposed of at the end of each day, but if you own a pair of reusable daily contact lenses, you shouldn’t worry because, with proper care, you can wear them more than once.

Q: What are the risks associated with reusing daily contact lenses?

A: If you own daily disposable contact lenses, reusing them can lead to the accumulation of bacteria, debris, and protein deposits on the lens surface, making your eyes prone to irritation, redness, and infection.

Additionally, inserting a previously worn lens into your eyes can introduce foreign particles and microorganisms, potentially leading to more severe problems.

Q: Can I extend the use of daily contact lenses if I clean and store them properly?

A: It’s essential to understand that daily disposable contact lenses are not designed for extended wear or reuse; it doesn’t matter how much you clean and care for them thoroughly. Their composition and structure are optimized for a single day’s use, and if you attempt to reuse them, it can compromise both your eye health and lens performance.

But if you have reusable daily contact lenses, with proper care and following the correct method of using and storing them, you can wear them more than once.

Q: How should I care for my reusable daily contact lenses to make them fit to wear again?

A: The plan you follow to care for your daily reusable contact lenses is essential because it will help you keep them in good condition and avoid eye problems. It starts with thoroughly washing and drying your hands before handling the lenses.

After removing them, use a multi-purpose solution to clean the lenses and gently rub them to eliminate debris and protein buildup. Store them in a fresh solution within a clean case, and replace the case every three months.

Always follow the recommended wearing schedule as advised by your eye care professional and seek regular check-ups to ensure you effectively care for your reusable daily contact lenses.

Daily contact lenses are designed to optimize convenience, comfort, and eye health.

If you use disposable daily contacts, making sure that each pair is used for a single day and then disposed of helps you stay hygienic and have a good experience, reducing the risk of eye problems.

It can be beneficial to consult your eye care professional for personalized advice regarding contact lens use and care.

Do not :  Use your daily disposable contact lenses more than one time

Do not : Store your daily contacts in lens case with contact lens solution

Never : Sleep with your contact lenses even if they are daily disposable contact lenses

Do : Always rub and rinse your daily disposable contact lenses before use.


Can you reuse daily contact lenses?
about reusing daily contact lenses


Alireza, the creative force behind KenzoVision Co. A passionate optometry graduate, With a keen eye for expertise in optics, curates unique articles about sunglasses, contact lenses, and eyeglasses I created this Optical magazine to make my mission in the world.

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